
[Noticias] Promociones en 4Ground

Buenos dias generales.

Hoy me ha llegado un correo de 4Ground. Con motivo del Salute 2015, la marca inglesa saca varias promociones para su tienda online, ofrecen descuentos de entre el 10% y el 25% dependiendo del volumen de compra. Tendréis que introducir los siguientes códigos en el carro de la compra. Es importante señalar que solo podréis recoger el pedido en Salute, y que no es valido para envío a domicilio 🙁 

SLW25 Para un 25% de descuento en compras superiores a 200GBP
SLW15 Para un 15% de descuento en compras superiores a 125GBP
SLW10 Para un 10% de descuento en compras superiores a 50GBP

Os dejo la newsletter aquí para que veáis el texto original.

It’s that time again, Salute 2015 will soon be here and at 4Ground we have our preparations well underway.  We have new products in production, display tables being flocked and finished and participation games being playtested.
 As many of you may know Salute is the one show of the year where you can meet all four of our designers, our production team and our management team.  We do our best to make the 4Ground Salute experience an enjoyable and inspirational location within what has to be one of the worlds most exciting premier wargaming events.  If you want to see all our 4Ground buildings under one roof on one day, this is it.  What our collectors say to us directly at Salute each year has a considerable influence on what we design over the next 12 months.  So if there is something you really want us to make this will be an ideal time and place to let us know.
This year at Salute we are once again running our 4Ground Kit Starter scheme, so if you want to give a new range a try or expand your current collection now is the time to do it.  As for big ticket items this has to be the best day of the year to buy them.  Our Salute 4Ground Kit Starter Scheme is as follows;
 Buy £200 worth or more of 4Ground products at our stand and you will get a 25% discount.
 £125 worth of 4Ground products you get a 15% discount.
£50 worth of 4Ground products and you will still get a 10% discount there and then!
 We are also offering pre-orders for collection at Salute and you can use the codes below for the relevant offers;
 SLW25 for 25% discount on orders equal to/more than £200
 SLW15 for 15% discount on orders equal to/more than £125
 SLW10 for 10% discount on orders equal to/more than £50
 All these deals can only be used with the Salute Pick Up delivery option (for free shipping).  Also if you have pre-ordered any products at Salute their value will be counted toward any products you buy on the day for working out discounts.  If this takes you over the next discount bracket we will credit you with the pre-ordered products increased discount against your order.
   Please note: this can only last as long as we have the stock on our stand at the show.  This deal is only valid on 4Ground Ltd. Product and is not valid on product from other manufacturers.  We will not be taking our unpainted products to Salute so if you want them you will need to pre-order them.

No obstante, para los que no vayan al Salute 2015, 4Ground saca lo que ellos han llamado en Facebook «Apoyo de torneos». Si organizáis un torneo, podréis hace un pedido a 4Ground con condiciones especiales. Para ello tenéis que poneros en contacto con ellos en el correo, e indicar en el asunto «Tournament Support». Después de ponerme en contacto con ellos para nuestro próximo torneo, me contestaron, de manera resumida, lo siguiente. Se debe de avisar del torneo, con un mínimo de 10 días de antelación, ademas, el pedido mínimo es de 200GBP + IVA + Envío, ofreciendo un 35% de descuento sobre el PVP, lo que viene siendo que con 200GBP adquirís producto por un valor de 300GBP.

Espero que esto os sirva para decorar mas y mejor vuestras mesas 🙂 

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